Strategic Thinking Resources

Benchmark Your Team’s Strategic Capabilities

Find out how strategic your team typically operates and identify focus areas to improve strategic bench!

Prevent Bias or Assumptions From Influencing You

The Bias Buster can help you identify where there may be bias in your decision making, project management and can help you build a plan to prevent Bias.

The Strategic Impact Lens

Looking to boost the impact of your current work? The Strategic Impact Lens helps you discover how your project can achieve a greater strategic impact.

How Strategic is Your Thinking?

Are you a natural strategic thinker? Here are some questions that strategic thinkers ask themselves to build strategic muscle.

Ready to Build Your Strategic Muscle?

Find out how you can schedule a Strategic Playground Workshop for your organization! Holding a Strategic Playground workshop is a great way to build a more strategic team and organization.

Kick Off Your Event with a Strategic Playground Presentation!

Help your team step Into a strategic mindset to kick off your strategic planning retreat! Or Let us keynote your leadership development event!

Ask Powerful

Did you know that there are some questions that can raise the strategic level of conversation in any meeting or in a one on one discussion?

Get at the Root of Your Problem!

Use the Strategic Challenge Framework to clearly define the problem, focus your time and resources, communicate more effectively with others, and identify the root causes so you can explore creative solutions.


Different Questions, Different Solutions will help you break through mental barriers, reframe your thinking, and can help you find new solutions you might not have considered.